Corridors & Waiting Rooms, that’s been my life lately. Litterally. I spent two days last week in my doctors office, will spend two days this week there. Tests and results they call it. All I know is I will trust, no matter the diagnosis.

I will not be moved

  • For So Long, All I Heard was No, then I got my YES

David and Nicole Binion ministered, and as they ministered I was just waiting for the invitation to say Yes, as I knew it was coming.

David had been on a journey for a long time, and God had given him the yes of heaven. The yes of heaven not for just himself, his family, his church, but for all he’d come in contact with.

That night, after hearing no for so long, I proclaimed yes. And my yes, was coupled with the yes of heaven, and something happened I cannot explain.
So yes!

Something broke that night. Broke like a book full of songs. A journey of healing. A journey of security. A new day and dawn.

que pasa?

So this is where I post random stuff, no devotionals here, but more or less whats going on, where I am, and what I am doing!

Eddie James Ministries

Last night I went to Faith Landmarks to worship with Eddie James. And can I tell you it was an awesome time of worship, deliverance, and birthing in the spirit. I went solely to break free and worship. I can remember a month ago being in a worship service with The Binion’s  and as Nicole ministered  she said something that sticks with me in my worship even now.

Desperate times, call for desperate measures. If I have to dance like a fool for the rain to come down.

That’s what this kid did last night. Danced like a fool!

What’s my desperate time? Nothing, just pouring it out on my king. As of lately, there’s been a broken passion within my heart for the king and to pour my love on the king. I’m desperate to worship, not only worship, but worship in the company of my brother’s and sister’s who are as passionate about His kingship.

I saw freedom hit last night, deliverance hit last night, chain broken! I saw Holy Ghost fire! Its awesome to come home and see what God is doing in the midst of these.
